Source code for cyclum.illustration

import matplotlib as mpl

import matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

from cyclum import evaluation

[docs]class FigureWriter: """ keep and write figures into a pdf file. """ def __init__(self, pdf_name: str): self.figures = [] if not pdf_name.endswith('.pdf'): pdf_name += '.pdf' self.pdf_name = pdf_name
[docs] def add_figure(self, figure, title=None): """ add a figure, but not write to file :param figure: :param title: :return: """ if figure != None: self.figures.append(figure) if title is not None: self.figures[-1].suptitle(title)
[docs] def write(self): with matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf.PdfPages(self.pdf_name) as pdf: for figure in self.figures: pdf.savefig(figure, bbox_inches='tight')
[docs] def add_figure_and_write(self, figure, title=None): self.add_figure(figure, title) self.write()
def __call__(self, figure, title=None, wait=False): """ add a figure. write to file if not "wait" :param figure: :param title: :param wait: if set to False, write to file. :return: """ if wait: self.add_figure(figure, title) else: self.add_figure_and_write(figure, title)
[docs]def plot_gene_sparsity(linear_data, use_ratio=True): """ Return a figure of #{cell, none_zero_genes(cell) > x} :param linear_data: data :param use_ratio: plot as ratio or :return: """ figure = plt.figure() axes = figure.subplots() nonzero_cells_per_gene = np.sum(linear_data > 1e-3, axis=0) if use_ratio: nonzero_genes_ratio = nonzero_cells_per_gene / linear_data.shape[0] axes.plot(np.sort(nonzero_genes_ratio) * 100) axes.set_ylabel('nonzero cells %') else: axes.plot(np.sort(nonzero_cells_per_gene)) axes.set_ylabel('nonzero cells #') axes.set_xlabel("gene # sorted by nonzero genes") return figure
[docs]def plot_cell_sparsity(linear_data, use_ratio=True): """ Return a figure of #{cell, none_zero_genes(cell) > x} :param linear_data: data :param use_ratio: plot as ratio or :return: """ figure = plt.figure() axes = figure.subplots() nonzero_genes_per_cell = np.sum(linear_data > 1e-3, axis=1) if use_ratio: nonzero_genes_ratio = nonzero_genes_per_cell / linear_data.shape[1] axes.plot(np.sort(nonzero_genes_ratio) * 100) axes.set_ylabel('nonzero genes %') else: axes.plot(np.sort(nonzero_genes_per_cell)) axes.set_ylabel('nonzero genes #') axes.set_xlabel("cell # sorted by nonzero genes") return figure
[docs]def plot_pair_color(a, b, color): """ either plot an embedding, two dimensions at a time or compare two embeddings :param a: :param b: :param color: :return: """ n_col = a.shape[1] n_row = b.shape[1] figure = plt.figure(figsize=(n_row * 2 + 0.1, n_col * 2 + 0.1)) ax_list = [figure.add_subplot(n_col, n_row, i + 1) for i in range(n_col * n_row)] n = 0 for i in range(n_col): for j in range(n_row): ax_list[n].scatter(b[:, j], a[:, i], s=6, c=color) n = n + 1 return figure
[docs]def plot_round_color(flat, color): figure = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8)) axes = figure.subplots() xx = np.array([[0.5], [1]]) @ np.cos(flat).T yy = np.array([[0.5], [1]]) @ np.sin(flat).T for i in range(len(color)): axes.plot(xx[:, i], yy[:, i], c=color[i], lw=1.) axes.set_xlim([-1.1, 1.1]) axes.set_ylim([-1.1, 1.1]) return figure
[docs]def plot_round_distr_color(flat, label, color_dict): figure = plt.figure() ax = figure.subplots(subplot_kw={'projection': 'polar'}) color = [color_dict[l] for l in label] for x, color in zip(flat, color): ax.plot([x, x], [1.5, 2], color=color, linewidth=0.5) xx = [] pp = [] max_p = 0 for l in color_dict: _ = evaluation.periodic_parzen_estimate(flat[label == l], 2 * np.pi) xx.append(_[0]) pp.append(_[1]) max_p = np.max([np.max(pp[-1]), max_p]) for x, p, l in zip(xx, pp, color_dict): ax.fill_between(x, p / max_p + 2, 2, color=color_dict[l], alpha=0.5, linewidth=0.0) ax.set_yticks([]) return figure
[docs]def plot_round_distr_color2(flat, label1, label2, color_dict1, color_dict2): figure = plt.figure() ax = figure.subplots(subplot_kw={'projection': 'polar'}) color = [color_dict1[l] for l in label1] for x, color in zip(flat, color): ax.plot([x, x], [2, 2.5], color=color, linewidth=0.5) color = [color_dict2[l] for l in label2] for x, color in zip(flat, color): ax.plot([x, x], [1.5, 2.0], color=color, linewidth=0.5) xx = [] pp = [] max_p = 0 for l in color_dict1: _ = evaluation.periodic_parzen_estimate(flat[label1 == l], 2 * np.pi) xx.append(_[0]) pp.append(_[1]) max_p = np.max([np.max(pp[-1]), max_p]) for x, p, l in zip(xx, pp, color_dict1): ax.fill_between(x, p / max_p + 2.5, 2.5, color=color_dict1[l], alpha=0.6, linewidth=0.0) xx = [] pp = [] max_p = 0 for l in color_dict2: _ = evaluation.periodic_parzen_estimate(flat[label2 == l], 2 * np.pi) xx.append(_[0]) pp.append(_[1]) max_p = np.max([np.max(pp[-1]), max_p]) for x, p, l in zip(xx, pp, color_dict2): ax.fill_between(x, 1.5 - p / max_p, 1.5, color=color_dict2[l], alpha=0.6, linewidth=0.0) ax.set_yticks([]) return figure
[docs]def plot_multi_distr(xs, ys, colors, labels): figure = plt.figure() axes = figure.subplots() if type(xs) is list: for x, y, color, label in zip(xs, ys, colors, labels): axes.fill_between(x, y, alpha=0.4, linewidth=0.0, color=color, label=label) else: x = xs for y, color, label in zip(ys, colors, labels): axes.fill_between(x, y, alpha=0.4, linewidth=0.0, color=color, label=color) axes.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.04, 1), loc="upper left") return figure